All Items MASAKUNI (Bonsai tools) KIKUWA (Bonsai tools) NOBUICHI (Bonsai tools) YOSHI (Bonsai tools) KAWABE Wire Bonsai related products Worktable Suiseki Bonsai pot Shigeru Fukuda MONTHLY SPECIAL Calender 2025 Show: 10 20 30 50 100 Image: Small Medium Large Sort by: Recommended Price: Low to high Price: High to low Bestselling Display: 1,844 items «prev.12345678910...93next» No.0127 Bonsai Tweezers curved made of stainless steel [50g/205mm] 3,200Yen No.0311 Bonsai Tweezers Long size [80g/275mm] 5,000Yen No.0803 EDGE TWEEZERS [30g/155mm] 4,000Yen No.0811 PINE TWEEZERS, curved [55g/200mm] 3,800Yen No.0812 PINE TWEEZERS, straight [55g/200mm] 3,800Yen No.0017 Jin pliers [190g/200mm] 9,000Yen No.0021 Graver wooden grip (A to H) [20g (160g)/200mm] 5,000Yen+40,000Yen No.0022(L) Grafting Knife [L] [90g/220mm] 12,800Yen No.0022(R) Grafting Knife[R] [90g/220mm] 10,800Yen No.0038 CHISELS FOR CAMELLIA GRAFTING [80g (240g)/180mm] 7,800Yen+23,400Yen No.0039 Graving Chisel wooden grip [95g (550g)/190mm] 7,800Yen+39,000Yen No.0117 Jin pliers (L) [230g/220mm] 9,000Yen No.0121 Graver all steel (A to I) [50g (480g)/220mm] 3,800Yen+75,800Yen No.0122 Graving knife (Made to order)* [100g/220mm] 298,000Yen No.0139 Graving Chisel all steel [100g/220mm] 8,000Yen No.0221 Gravers set (3 pcs. set,with case) 24,000Yen+72,000Yen No.0222(L) Grafting blade(L) [90g/220mm] 24,800Yen No.0222(R) Grafting blade(R) [90g/220mm] 24,800Yen No.0321 Gravers set for SATSUKI AZALEA 24,000Yen No.0817 (set) JIN BARK STRIPPER set 11,400Yen «prev.12345678910...93next»